Posts Tagged ‘Recreation’

I live in the city. It’s great. I love being so near to all the local businesses, being close to friends for impromptu hang out sessions, close to work as to save the maximum amount of gas money each day. I don’t mind the traffic or the noise, I don’t mind the constant construction. I used to live in a rural area. I didn’t enjoy having to drive 45 minutes to work, school, or to do something as simple as take the wife out to a movie. I didn’t enjoy mosquitoes the size of your hand, or 99 percent humidity all day everyday. But I’ll tell you this: On a fine day like today, I wish that my love for firearms could have come to fruition just a little earlier in life. Because of all the great things about living in the city, there is one horrible truth. I will never be able to sit on my back porch and shoot my .22 with a beer by my side and a bowl of homemade potato salad on the table next to me. I’ll never be able to set up my very own Nutnfancy style “Run n Gun” course, complete with steels, golf balls on strings, a few paper targets, heck maybe for the finish line I could even set up a evil terrorist cantaloupe to explode! But alas, this can never come true at my home in the city.

So the moral is, you country folks stay country! And enjoy it! Because on a weekend when the public outdoor range is overcrowded, I can’t afford to go to the private indoor range, and all my “land owning” friends are out of town, I’ll be sitting on my couch watching Waterworld on TNT for the 15th time wishing I was doing what you are probably doing… Sitting on your back porch with your Ruger 10/22, a refreshing beer, and some homemade potato salad, blowing the hell out of some evil, evil, Cantaloupes.

As Always, Questions? Comments? Wanna talk about Cantaloupe rights?

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Well, for now I’m just gonna post the vid over from the YouTube side of things. But tomorrow I’m going to be taking Hi-rez of all the targets and doing a little bit more of a breakdown for your reading pleasure!! for now Enjoy!

Just got back from the range! We got the new Ruger all sighted in and finished a box of ammo. I’ve got tons of range footage and results, I’ve just got to get it all compiled and edited! I should have something for you guys late tonight or tomorrow.

Well, finally found my way back into my macbook, and as promised here is some video content on the purchase and subsequent shooting of my very first firearm a Ruger 10/22!!

As always, Questions? Comments? comment below or

Well, again, I hope to post some video of my first gun purchase and subsequent range trip soon. Unfortunately I locked myself out of my mac and so have no recourse to edit the video for your enjoyment. That having been said I’ll just share with you a fun (and by fun I of course mean mind numbingly horrible) lesson that I learned the hard way at the range this afternoon.

Now, before I tell you the story, let me just say, in retrospect, the lesson that I learned shouldn’t have been one that I needed to learn. By that I mean It should of never happened in the first place. Of course, when we get excited about shooting we have the tendency to rush things sometimes and forget “little matters”.

so there I was at the range. Me and my brother T. It was the perfect conditions. Light breeze, sun starting to go down, only one other shooter at the range, nice temperature. So we set up my brand new Ruger 10/22 on the stand, and we walk out and set our targets, and have a nice chat with the gentleman shooting at the other end of the range. We walk back and  load up a magazine, I punch it in, chamber a round, go to adjust the zoom on my sight (a cheap Simmons 9x), and “scurrrrrh” the sight turns in its mount and swivels. so in my infinite genius I decide that It would be no problem at all to grab a screwdriver and tighten that bad boy down. ((sigh))

If you are a gun owner, you already know how bone headed this move was. If you aren’t, allow me to explain. Basically, doing something as seemingly innocent as tightening down a screw a quarter turn will completely obliterate the accuracy of your sight, and then you must go back to square one and “sight” the rifle in all over again. This is not a speedy process. I spent the next 40 rounds or so trying to fire in all different directions of our paper trying to figure out which was off and how far off I had moved the sight. Turns out my genius move resulted in the gun firing about 6-8 inches off sight to the right. ((re-sigh))

Needless to say, I am currently re mounting the scope being extra sure this time to align it properly and then tighten it down with the strength of He-Man. Then Tuesday it’s off to the range to sight it in again. Hopefully for the last time.

As always guys, for Questions, Comments, Or to remind me how stupid that was!

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If you guys are reading this Blog, then you probably know that I am a complete and utter firearms noob. I mean hey, I might have a little knowledge about gun specifications and that sort of thing, but when it comes to practical knowledge, I’m young in my firearms education, and I am still learning. So while I appreciate everyone coming over here to watch my journey, give advice (or laugh at me, that’s okay too) I’m not really the go to guy if you are looking for practical firearms knowledge or theory. That having been said, I’ve found my self lately watching  a lot of videos by a guy calling himself Nutnfancy.

Lame name, I know, but don’t let it stop you from checking out some of his vids. He’s got everything from reviews of firearms, knives, and other “tactical gear”, to what he calls “Philosophy of use” videos, where he talks about his general opinion on a variety of gun related social issues. While I don’t agree with everything that comes out of his mouth, I agree with much of it, especially his POU on concealed carry. While his production value could use a little help, his reviews and videos are packed with good, sound, knowledgeable content.

So, at any rate, I’ll throw a link up here on the ole page and you guys feel free to check out his vids and let me know what you think.

As for the CZ. The countdown continues!!!

Nutnfancy's YouTube Page

As Always Questions. Comments. Responses. Hatemail.

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Dude! That's Cheating!

Hey everyone.

So, just went to shoot for the second time. So I thought that I’d post the results. The venue was an indoor range. I was shooting the Beretta m92fs (my favorite gun so far) and I took 25 rounds from 20ft (6.6yds) and 25 rounds from 40ft (13.3yds). I basically just wanted to set a benchmark for myself seeing as the first time that I went to shoot I was focusing more on how cool it was and less on accuracy. I also threw the targets away the first time, and didn’t take any pictures. At any rate, all that to say here are the results of the outing.

Beretta m92fs from 20ft

So here’s the deal. I loaded five rounds at a time into the magazine and focused my firing on one of the five targets. First, I fired at the one with the 1, second the one with the 2, and so on. As you can see I did okay. I mean frankly I feel I did pretty good considering it was my second time ever firing a gun. There were definitely some miscues though, you’ll notice to the left of the paper there is a stray shot that was meant for target #2, also there was one shot off the paper when I was going for #2. Other than that what you see is what you get.

So, at this point I doubled the distance from 20ft to 40 ft, here were the results.

Beretta m92fs 40ft

As you can clearly see here, things got a lot dicier for me at 40ft and I realized just how much work I have yet to do. Not that there weren’t a few decent shots here when I calmed down, focused and allowed the gun to do its thing, but there were also some rather comedic notations. Feel free to click through to the full size and you’ll be able to see some pretty wild shots. for example you can make out a hit at the bottom of #3 that was meant for #5 it is entitled “#5? wtf”. lol.

So all-in-all it was a great trip (is it ever not?) but I did learn a lot more about myself and my shooting. Anywho, it’s late and I am ready to hit the hay!! Oh BTW while I’m thinking of it, don’t you safety nuts (I know because I am one of you!) don’t get on to me!! lol. The gun in picture #2 had been fully cleared and safety checked before it was laid on the table for it’s closeup!!

As always, Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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