Posts Tagged ‘How not to mount a sight’

Well, again, I hope to post some video of my first gun purchase and subsequent range trip soon. Unfortunately I locked myself out of my mac and so have no recourse to edit the video for your enjoyment. That having been said I’ll just share with you a fun (and by fun I of course mean mind numbingly horrible) lesson that I learned the hard way at the range this afternoon.

Now, before I tell you the story, let me just say, in retrospect, the lesson that I learned shouldn’t have been one that I needed to learn. By that I mean It should of never happened in the first place. Of course, when we get excited about shooting we have the tendency to rush things sometimes and forget “little matters”.

so there I was at the range. Me and my brother T. It was the perfect conditions. Light breeze, sun starting to go down, only one other shooter at the range, nice temperature. So we set up my brand new Ruger 10/22 on the stand, and we walk out and set our targets, and have a nice chat with the gentleman shooting at the other end of the range. We walk back and  load up a magazine, I punch it in, chamber a round, go to adjust the zoom on my sight (a cheap Simmons 9x), and “scurrrrrh” the sight turns in its mount and swivels. so in my infinite genius I decide that It would be no problem at all to grab a screwdriver and tighten that bad boy down. ((sigh))

If you are a gun owner, you already know how bone headed this move was. If you aren’t, allow me to explain. Basically, doing something as seemingly innocent as tightening down a screw a quarter turn will completely obliterate the accuracy of your sight, and then you must go back to square one and “sight” the rifle in all over again. This is not a speedy process. I spent the next 40 rounds or so trying to fire in all different directions of our paper trying to figure out which was off and how far off I had moved the sight. Turns out my genius move resulted in the gun firing about 6-8 inches off sight to the right. ((re-sigh))

Needless to say, I am currently re mounting the scope being extra sure this time to align it properly and then tighten it down with the strength of He-Man. Then Tuesday it’s off to the range to sight it in again. Hopefully for the last time.

As always guys, for Questions, Comments, Or to remind me how stupid that was!

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