The Not-so-Finer Points of City Living.

Posted: September 6, 2010 in Life
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I live in the city. It’s great. I love being so near to all the local businesses, being close to friends for impromptu hang out sessions, close to work as to save the maximum amount of gas money each day. I don’t mind the traffic or the noise, I don’t mind the constant construction. I used to live in a rural area. I didn’t enjoy having to drive 45 minutes to work, school, or to do something as simple as take the wife out to a movie. I didn’t enjoy mosquitoes the size of your hand, or 99 percent humidity all day everyday. But I’ll tell you this: On a fine day like today, I wish that my love for firearms could have come to fruition just a little earlier in life. Because of all the great things about living in the city, there is one horrible truth. I will never be able to sit on my back porch and shoot my .22 with a beer by my side and a bowl of homemade potato salad on the table next to me. I’ll never be able to set up my very own Nutnfancy style “Run n Gun” course, complete with steels, golf balls on strings, a few paper targets, heck maybe for the finish line I could even set up a evil terrorist cantaloupe to explode! But alas, this can never come true at my home in the city.

So the moral is, you country folks stay country! And enjoy it! Because on a weekend when the public outdoor range is overcrowded, I can’t afford to go to the private indoor range, and all my “land owning” friends are out of town, I’ll be sitting on my couch watching Waterworld on TNT for the 15th time wishing I was doing what you are probably doing… Sitting on your back porch with your Ruger 10/22, a refreshing beer, and some homemade potato salad, blowing the hell out of some evil, evil, Cantaloupes.

As Always, Questions? Comments? Wanna talk about Cantaloupe rights?

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  1. Sunray says:

    “…shoot my .22 with a beer by my side…” Unsafe idiot!

    • Daniel says:

      It’s a metaphor for relaxation Sunray. I’m not advocating drunken gun play. Simply trying to make a statement about how nice the freedom of shooting anytime in the comfort of your own backyard would be. I am sorry that my post offended you!!

  2. Rail Driver says:

    I feel you, Daniel. I miss being able to walk out onto my back deck and plink to my heart’s content. Give me a year and I’ll be back there again 😀

  3. Mariah says:

    lets just be honest. sitting on your back porch shooting guns would get reeeeeal boring after a while.

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